This is not an e-book, nor a video instruction class, but a lifetime membership to the dog training online magazine. The author of the Dog Training Lessons Membership Site has developed his program by reading books on dog training and distilling the best of what he read into these lessons. Other benefits and bonuses are outlined below and on his website.
Product Feedback & Overview

Actual Customer Feedback:
“I used to think it was cute to tear apart mum’s favourite scarf, but after she watched ‘Instinct Vs Man’ she now communicates with me at a whole new level. We finally understand each other. Thanks.”
“I am thrilled with the amount of information we have received with the Membership. It really was a great start for my puppy. All breeds dog training’s classes are stern but fun.”
(about Instinct vs. Man) “This program is remarkably similar to a program offered as part of Puppy and Dog Training Secrets under the same name. The similarities don’t end there. There is identical wording in describing the program and it is broken down into identical sections.”
When you go to the homepage, you find little information. If you give your name and email address, then you have access to a long page of sales talk, testimonials, etc. The author admits he is not a dog trainer but has done extensive research to discover the secrets of dog training. The program lasts longer (lifetime) but is generally more pricey than the four and five star programs.
Product Details
Company Info:
As with the other dog training programs, the author offers a special bonus if you subscribe before the day is done. That seems to be on-going. Several bonuses appear to be helpful. One deals with secrets of training a Boxer, for example. Like the others, he promises the price could go up any time but since it already more expensive than higher rated programs, that isn’t likely.
Product Specifications:
Besides membership to the newsletter, the subscriber gets five benefits which are ebooks on various subjects. Also promised are $197 worth of bonuses including 180 Dog Recipes, 101 Ways to Spoil your Dog for Under $10, and several others.
Return Policy:
60 day money-back guarantee
Official Dog Training Lessons Homepage